2 Peter was the last book in the New Testament to be written, probably between 65 and 68 AD. It was also the last book to gain entry into the New Testament. And it gained entry with the greatest difficulty.[1] A scholar described 2 Peter as: “… far inferior in every respect to 1 Peter … it is the least valuable of the New Testament writings.”[2] Although referred to in the 1st and second centuries it was apparently not until the fourth century that 2 Peter came to be accepted in the New Testament.
Many have challenged whether it was written by Peter because of the different style in the original writings. But whatever the debate we turn to 2 Peter 1 this morning.
The letter was written to counter the beliefs and activities of a group of people who were a threat to the Church.[3][4] They were using God’s grace as a justification for sinning. The first 11 verses reminded believers that through God’s grace they had been forgiven their sins and instructed them how, grounded in faith, they were to journey onwards and upwards without falling. Listen to these verses.
[1] The Letters of Peter and James by William Barclay. My Kindle location 5628
[2] EF Scott quoted by William Barclay
[3] William Barclay location 5635
[4] Barclay (location 5645) says that “It is clear that Peter is describing antinomians, those who used God’s grace as a justification for sinning. In all probability they were Gnostics, who said that only spirit was good and that matter was essentially evil and that, therefore, what we did with the body was not important and that we could follow physical appetites to excess and it made no difference.