Hebrews for Today: The Majestic Jesus - x. The Matchless Christ

Preacher: Alan Cameron

Verses: Hebrews 8:1-11

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Recently the State President exhorted us to view South Africa, with all its present challenges and opportunities from the perspective of a glass half full rather than a glass half empty.  He offered the country hope based upon a social contract between government and people.  The writer of Hebrews, in contrast, offers hope not by way of a social contract, but a covenant based upon the promise of God.  In light of this perhaps we need to ask ourselves what hope is not.  Hope is not based on the ‘power of positive thinking’ as Norman Vincent Peale advocated.  Hope is not a pious Pollyanna wishing things would get better.  Hope according to Hebrews is choosing to believe and trust when everything around me and within me suggests that it is foolish to do so.  Hope is not simply human aspiration, rather taking hold of the presence and power of God in the midst of human frailty.