What the Lord requires

Preacher: Lincon Hardouin

Verses: Micah 6:1-8


When we look at this astounding, albeit somewhat harsh and critical, text from Micah chapter 6, what we are essentially looking are the beginning phases of a courtroom drama. The initial call, as I am sure we can all imagine, is one that would probably terrify anyone who hears it. Imagine standing before the Lord, knowing everything that we do about Him, about His plan for creation, about His purpose for each one of us, about His power, His authority, His might... imagine standing there, not as a spectator, not as a member of the jury, not as one called in to be a witness against another, but standing there as the accused, as the one who has broken the ‘law’, as the one who is the centre of this trial.  And in the Lord’s opening statement He utters these words to you, to allow you the time to prepare your defence as He brings charges against you. He says, “Stand up, plead your case before the mountains, let the hills hear what you have to say.”