Are we the foolish?

Preacher: Lincon Hardouin

Verses: 1 Corinthians 1:10-18

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The human mind is a fickle thing sometimes. We can be so convinced of something specific, so convicted of what we believe to be true, sometimes we can have that same conviction for most of our lives… we hold onto these convictions with everything that we have and at times, we will even fight to defend them tooth and nail. But then something happens, something that we don’t necessarily see coming, something that we don’t plan for, maybe a unique, different or unexpected experience, or maybe someone comes along with the most fine sounding argument and eloquent speech, and all of a sudden, we find that our convictions change. It may not always be an instantaneous change, sometimes it takes weeks, maybe months or even years, until we find ourselves facing some kind of division and disconnect.

 Our passage this morning highlights just one of the many concerns faced by Paul when it comes to the church in Corinth. Obviously, amongst other issues, what Paul was dealing with and what he addresses here in the very first chapter of this letter, was the issue of division within the church. This issue extended farther than a simple dispute over what colour the carpets should be, what type of music should be sung, whether there should be chairs as we have them now or whether we should stick to the classic pew look. No! This issue pierced the heart of what can only describe, in my opinion, as a fundamental to our faith.