The Word of the Lord

Preacher: Lincon Hardouin

Verses: Psalm 33:6-11 and Acts 10:34-43

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One of the things I think every single Christian wishes for at least once during their faith journey, is to hear the voice of the Lord, to hear Him speaking to us, to know that His word is not just something far off or just words on paper. I believe that every single Christian has a deep desire to know that the Word of the Lord is real and that it is something powerful. Well let’s be honest here, how much more real and powerful can this book be? It is such a spectacular collection of historical, poetic, prophetic and basically all round profound writings ever.

I also believe that we all, at one point or another, have taken this profound book for granted. We have times, looked at this as simply words on paper, maybe not intentionally, but because we are not sure on how we should understand what it says, or we don’t understand how it applies to us or even how we, ourselves, should apply it. We sometimes look at the word of the Lord as simply being ancient documents… and while there are definitely things that we can value, things that we can take to heart, we still have this idea that scripture is something that was relevant for them, at that specific time and serving that specific purpose. I’m sure we have all experienced moments like this. But it is so vital that we understand exactly what we have in front of us, what a privilege it is to have it and the profound role it plays in our lives.